2009: Lost Memories (2002)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Release Date: Feb 2002

Genres: Thriller / Sci-Fi / Mystery / Drama / Action

Awards: 5 wins & 1 nomination

Runtime: 136 min.

Cast: Kil-Kang Ahn (Myung-Hak Lee), Masaaki Daimon (), Shohei Imamura (), Dong-Kun Jang (Masayuki Sakamoto), Nobuyuki Katsube (), Min-sun Kim (Kindergarten teacher), Sa-Pi Lee (), George Manley (Inoue Man (voice: English version)), Ken Mitsuishi (Hideyo), Tôru Nakamura (Shojiro Saigo), Jin-ho Seo (Hye-Rin Oh), Goo Shin (Takahashi), Sang-Jeon Woo (), Miki Yoshimura (Yuriko Saigo)


There are breakpoints in the history, the result of a single event may change the whole course... In 1909, an assassination attempt to a Japanese governor fails - the assassin was shot by a soldier. Now, in 2009, Korea is just another state of the Japan Empire and Seoul has become a major city. A Korean resistance group called Hureisenjin is formed to fight for liberty and independence. Two cops, a Japan and a Korean (who denied his heritage) are investigating the actions of this "terrorist" group. And their work lead them to an artifact of the ancient Korean religion of "Sun and Moon".

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